Why Choose Us

  • Cooling Guard Mechanical Corp. only employs factory trained Union technicians. We are an affiliate with Local 638, Metal Trades Branch.
  • We are a full service HVAC contractor. Some of our many services include installation, ductwork, steamfitting, water treatment, energy management, temperature controls, insulation, plumbing, and electrical, commisioning, pneumatic system operations.
  • We have 24 hour emergency service that includes weekends and holidays. We provide quick response to all of your emergency needs.
  • Our technicians have fully stocked vans, which include state of the art tools and virtually everything they need to service your needs in a timely and accurate fashion.
  • Our technicians are radio dispatched by mobile phones.
  • Our computer program is on the cutting edge of industry quality and is our main source that allows us to track all aspects of your HVAC needs.
  • All our technicians are EPA Certified in compliance with the CLEAN AIR ACT. All of our vehicles are equipped with all equipment necessary in compliance with this law.
  • Cooling Guard Mechanical Corp. carries full insurance coverage to meet the requirements of the industry. Certificates of Insurance are available upon request.
  • We are happy to announce that we are a member of the ACCA (Air Conditioner Contractors of America.)
  • We are committed to satisfy all of your HVAC needs as we have with many other satisfied customers.
  • All our technicians have at least 10 years experience on all types of HVAC controls.

Our Commitment to Customer Service is Unmatched